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Liacom & Bellsoft

Okay, these two has recently been popular and people are confused whether they are a Recruitment firm or a BPO company.

  1. They claim to be ‘direct hire’ connected to different companies to hire people and not a recruitment firm.
  2. Like Google? If you look at their individual websites Liacom Offshore Outsourcing and Bellsoft Global Contact Solutions you will be convinced they’re a legit BPO company. I did my research for this two.

To end the disarray I went, visit and tried their ‘hiring’ process. As I thought and everyone their was utterly confused — they are a RECRUITMENT firm. In what ever way they sugarcoat their business such as “We are an in-house company who provides man power to companies in need based on your profile, instead of you going directly to the company applying for a position and only to find out the position you are applying for is not open we look for a company that would fit your goals” this was his (the guy who did my first interview) words. I wasn’t convinced to what he told me when I ask if they’re a recruitment firm so I asked (seeing a Bellsoft flier on his desk) what Bellsoft is instead, “Bellsoft is actually our sister company, we recruit people and endorse them to different companies” ———– Their we go folks, he said it himself.


Note: I applied online for both companies and scheduled my visit for Liacom Thursday and Bellsoft Friday – thus I knew Bellsoft exist.


3 thoughts on “Liacom & Bellsoft

    1. They did give me an offer right their and then but not worth it. Some of the other applicants has to wait for the Liacom Van to take them to the company’s office (ex. Concentrix in TechnoHub) for final interview and possibly JO. Basically the only thing that Liacom did is review your work history and refer you to the company where you’ll most likely be hired.


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